JB Group Weekly Tweet Recap for 2011-03-27
  • YouTube It: Foreclosure Myths and Scams – Freddie Mac is now publishing YouTube videos to share information with the… http://ow.ly/1bS4wu #
  • [mortgage peeps] Feel free to copy this email sent to Colorado Senators Udall & Bennet about the pending regulation – http://ow.ly/4l51x #
  • FDIC to Propose "Qualified Residential Mortgage" Definition – The debate over what counts as a "Qualified Residentia… http://ow.ly/1bUgnp #
  • Case-Shiller Survey: Home Prices Likely Heading Lower – The country is on the verge of a double-dip in housing price… http://ow.ly/1bVf1d #
  • Mortgagebot gets bought. $231.8 million?! http://ow.ly/4myjt #